Disabled Toilet Case Study | Huddersfield | West Yorkshire
Published: 6 July 2018
Having moved to the lower levels of the home in order to facility a degree of independence Ms Dyson, and Daughter, Lesley, wanted to explore the potential of creating a toilet facility, in what used to be an old out-house, off Ms Dysons ground floor bedroom.
To aid and assist when washing, making life safer, easier and more dignified for all involved, the bespoke toilet room would require substantial renovation and building work in order to transform the dark, cold and un-accommodating out-house into a bespoke and assisted wash room facility.
Meeting both Ms Dyson and daughter, Lesley, on site More Ability, Surveyor and Designer, Nigel, discussed the works in great detail. Wanting to understand, in the first instance, whether the works could be done. Nigel reassured both parties that he would explore all options with the main consideration of meeting Ms Dysons needs and solving her bathing problems.
An experienced surveyor, Nigel had to be mindful of the supporting wooden lintels if he was to allow for wide access of the bedroom, blocking up the original access door from the main corridor. Examination of the concrete floor meant that the toilet waste would be a challenge, but one that Nigel would happily take on and offer a solution for. Finally the metre, which was in situ in the out-house, meant that the design had to allow for easy access should the need arise.
With old brick and live pipe work exposed the installation began by framing out the entire room and laying a new, level, concrete floor.
Boxed off and cloaked, allowing access to key points, the dark, cold and unaccommodating out-house was transformed into a bespoke and assisted disabled toilet facility.
Featuring a wall hung wash and dry toilet and basin the purpose built toilet facility was half wall boarded with complimentary anti-slip vinyl and detailed a number of bespoke niches which allowed for added storage.
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